Saturday, April 17, 2010

Full of Fantasies

I am very full. I would like to say that I am full of good food, but eh, I'm not. We had to go to this absolutely disgusting restaurant for lunch today, as a part of a memorial service for my grandpa's brother. It was this drafty, empty place, the walls bursting with photographs of people holding big fish, as well as big fake fish, complete with a mantel adorned with mini lighthouses. Ick, if the decor was tacky, the food was worse. My sister ordered this thing - I have no clue as to what it was - which was basically a few pieces of bacon drownding in thick, liquid cheese glop. It was enough to make me sick to my stomach.
On another note, tonight is PROM NIGHT for my future high school. In my imagination, prom is a beautiful thing. All of my prom-ish fantasies are the same - I float down my spiral staircase, wearing a long, gauzy dress or a short, sleek one, my hair coifed in a perfect up-do. Sparkly jewels dot my ears and neck, and my makeup is ever so elegant. At the bottom of the stairs, my parents wait for me, my mom pointing her digital camera, my dad with a tear in his eye, and my grandma of course, "oohing!" and "ahhing!" But most importantly, my date... He's dressed in a sharp tux, his hair slicked perfectly in place, and his smile wide. We pose for a few pictures and then head off to he prom in a limo, his hand in mine as we stop to pick up our closest friends. It's the perfect evening.
In real life, real proms probably aren't as glamourous or surreal. I'm sure they're nice, but nothing's perfect.

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